Are sensually aware and able to stay conscious in their bodies
Can touch their own bodies without feeling shame or disgust
Allow themselves to experience pleasurable sensual and sexual feelings
Have the capacity to nurture themselves and others, and accept nurturing from others
Feel joy in sexual experiences of their choosing
Know when they need touch rather than sex and try to get their needs for touch met appropriately
Have a developed sense of self, an understanding of who they are
Enjoy sexual feelings without necessarily acting upon them
Accept refusals of sex without hostility or feeling personally insulted
Allow themselves to be vulnerable
Are comfortable with their sexual identity and orientation
Are becoming aware of the impact of negative sexual experiences such as sexual abuse, and the impact of negative cultural messages on their sexual development
Are taking steps to address issues that have arisen as a result of past experiences
Feel confident in their ability to set appropriate boundaries
Realize that, by working through sexual issues, individuals may heal psychological and emotional wounding from past experiences and damaging beliefs.
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