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‘The main problem is unemployment. Inflation has skyrocketed, the Rs 500 wage has also decreased.’

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After many elections It seems that the opposition coalition’s issues have reached the general public and are already having an impact.

Opposition alliance 'India' gathers in Sharavasti, Uttar Pradesh (Photo: Facebook/SP)

Opposition alliance ‘India’ gathers in Sharavasti, Uttar Pradesh (Photo: Facebook/SP)

Gorakhpur: The mood of the 2024 Lok Sabha elections is completely different. in the last ten days in five areas including Maharajganj, Gorakhpur, Sant Kabir Nagar (Uttar Pradesh) and Arah, Chhapra (Bihar) during bus travel. Train travel, roads, intersections, and crowds and pedestrians meet to listen to people’s interactions. And answering the questions asked, it seems that this election will be a local and national issue as well.

After several elections, it is found that the opposition alliance’s problems have reached the common people and are having an impact. On the other hand, the glory of Ram Mandir and nationalism has diminished and the BJP is helpless in the face of inflation, unemployment. and constitutional questions

On the way from Gorakhpur to Chhapra by train, four or five passengers in a sleeper car argued over train delays and mismanagement in the coach. Everyone agrees that train travel is more painful. Travelers linked to sale of public institutions by Modi government

One traveler questioned unemployment. He said that if you go to any intersection The number of hawkers increased. There are more educated young people than this. And if they could What should they do? Recruitment of personnel from the public sector has not occurred. Every exam paper leaked. Then another passenger spoke slowly. that Modiji has become accustomed to making everyone work. In this case, the traveler would sarcastically say that the devotee has the same answer to every question.

A shopkeeper at a small stall in Bati Chokha at Chhapra bus stand said Lalu and Rudi’s daughters were direct competitors. When asked who he would choose He said he would vote for Modi. No one will see Rudy Ji after winning, going to Delhi, but we are with Modiji. When asked the reason, he remained silent.

Chapra Railway Station Market.  (Photo: Manoj Singh)

Chapra Railway Station Market. (Photo: Manoj Singh)

A Dalit man ironing clothes in an old house on the road that stretches from Ramana Maidan to Kali Mandir in Arah also supports Modi, saying why should we go with anyone else if Modi ji gave us everything?

The group walking Ramna Maidan discussed the low turnout. Someone said in a loud voice that there were many people walking around. But not everyone is going to vote. If everyone went to vote, there would be no fighting.

A Paswan youth working in a restaurant at the southern end of Ramna Maidan said that we Dalits and backward people will be with our candidates (Malays). If we are not with them then who? Will stay?

Rajat Yadav, who works as a waiter in a hotel, said that after completing his Intermediate studies, He became a waiter to take care of his family. “People from the Yadav and Paswan communities in our neighborhood will vote only for RJD,” he said, wondering why Mahagatbandhan has not won in Agrahara for the past 10 years.

Upon arrival in a private bus from Arah to Chhapra, an election debate began at Chhapra. One worker said Modiji was very hardworking. Another worker sitting in front immediately asked who did this? It is said to have given two million jobs. How many people have jobs? Tejaswi performs by giving work to do.

A worker supporting Modi said: ‘Modiji has built a temple’. Despite this, there are voices of workers asking questions about unemployment. ‘Unemployment ends with the building of temples, right? Masjid Mandir is not the problem, unemployment is the problem. Inflation is rising, the Rs 500 wage is also falling.

People supporting Modi have now started joking that even if they vote for RJD, the votes will go to Modi.

The answer came: ‘The real problem is inflation and unemployment. Youth jobs (Agnipath) have been in place for four years now. Only a fool would vote for Modi.

Hearing the conversation of the young workers Two passengers sitting at the back of the bus also started talking about the election. “Since Modi became GPM, everything has been sold,” said one passenger. Land, sky, sea. Why don’t we appoint him as Prime Minister? The Ambani-Adani government was working. When Modiji became Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh said he would take care of it. But where do they believe?

Not long after that The conversation of the new generation also ended with the fact that leaders should not expect too much. Workers supporting Modi laughed and shouted ‘Long live RJD’, Long live Modi’.

A worker in Thotibari town in Maharajganj parliamentary constituency of Uttar Pradesh asked me twice that his farmer Saman Nidhi had not received his money this time. Everyone in the village has come. When we asked about the parliamentary statement He pretended not to know. But another said Congress would waive loans and provide jobs for youth.

Questions of employment and inflation are also raised by significantly marginalized people. Asked about the election mood, Shivcharan Gupta, a tea stall owner in the Sant Kabir Nirwan Asthali area of ​​Maghar, said everything was forgotten with the five-kilo ration. Even if you suffer, it’s difficult. Suffering but blind

‘This 100 rupee ration is like a sweet pill, how expensive it is! Four hundred is not fulfilled. If you go with 100-150 rupees, the vegetables of the two June will not come with you. When Modiji became Prime Minister He had said that he would bring back black money, gold would be cheaper, what is the price of gold today? Where does the black money go? Inflation rate Unemployment soars and empty talk Life becomes difficult for us decent people. They are always scratching.

Pointing to the beautification work on Sant Kabir Nirwan Ashtali in Maghar, another shop owner said, ‘Look, there’s a lot of work being done. But why don’t we get jobs?’

In the area where these people set up their stalls, A roadside shop was built in front of them. With the key hanging, Shivcharan Gupta says we will not reach there. The police chased us away again and again. They say we spread dirt

Stall holders at the premises of Nirwan Asthali of Sant Kabir (Photo: Manoj Singh)

Stall holders at the premises of Nirwan Asthali of Sant Kabir (Photo: Manoj Singh)

A fruit seller at Rapti Bridge in Gorakhpur seemed quite annoyed that his fruit stall was being neglected and repeatedly kicked. She says she won’t vote for anyone.

“We are being deceived time and time again. We are not selling any marijuana. Our children are starving. According to government orders The officers and soldiers were driving us away. What should we do by voting? When asked why he was fired? If we have to drive away Our labor should also be managed. The sales zone being created is much lower than the road. If no customers come, what will we do there?

Mentioning his pain He added: ‘When we worry restless What will we do by voting?’

A retired employee of Gandhi Ashram Maghar (Sant Kabir Nagar) said in a sad tone. that his son still works as a driver Even if you have completed a bachelor’s degree ‘We didn’t tell anyone out of shame. Unemployment has reached its highest point in this government.’

People meeting in Maghar reported that there was a direct fight between the SP and the BJP in the Sant Kabir Nagar parliamentary constituency. Two people said that this time the focus was more on bicycles.

“This time will be fun. The competition will be tough,” said a man sitting in a sedan a little ways from Patwal after seeing a large number of tractors in a procession nominating candidates for the Congress seat in the Maharajganj parliamentary constituency on 15th. May Five times (BJP candidate and incumbent MP Pankaj) sitting on Kapare has changed –

But two people standing near the toll booth had different opinions. He said the rally was good for everyone. Who knows who will get the votes?

Jai Ram Yadav, a youth from Babhnoli village who was part of the tractor convoy, said: “The environment has changed. Now the BJP is down, the Congress is stronger. Police station commissions have increased significantly. People’s incomes are falling’

Jhunko, an elderly man from Azad Nagar area, met at the Jawaharlal Nehru PG College grounds in Maharajganj, said the environment here is good. Our relatives live in Mohnapur. They say the environment here is also good. He said he is 85 years old but has never seen a government so discriminatory. This time there will be a change.

The young man sitting next to him said, “We are from Ban Pho Na, Nachalul District. Our village has 1,600 votes. In this one, the BJP will get 200 votes. All the others go to the Congress.” Pankaj Chaudhary (MP and BJP candidate) Currently) has not done any work.

Harimohan Tripathi, a regular walker at Reliance Park in Raptinagar area of ​​Gorakhpur, said most people who visit the park are ‘believers’, not affected by inflation or unemployment. We argue every day, but the ‘loyalty’ of these people has not decreased.

(Manoj Singh is the editor of Gorakhpur Newsline website)

Categories: Elections, Thoughts and Viewpoints, Ground Reports

Tagged as: Agnipath, Bihar, BJP, inflation, Loksabha elections, The Wire, unemployment, Uttar Pradesh, voters

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