HomeBusinessThe Prime Minister's visit to the United Arab Emirates, which includes a...

The Prime Minister’s visit to the United Arab Emirates, which includes a delegation, who are expected to meet? Know the important details

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ISLAMABAD (News Desk) Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has visited the United Arab Emirates (UAE) today, where he will meet Emirati President Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed. Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ishaq Dar, Defense Minister Khawaja Asif, Commerce Minister Jam Kamal, Information Minister Atta Attar and Special Assistant Tariq Fatemi also traveled with the Prime Minister.

According to a Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson, This will be the first time a prime minister visits the United Arab Emirates after the elections. The Prime Minister is also likely to meet with heads of the Emirates business community and financial institutions. during the visit The Prime Minister will discuss bilateral relations. including trade and investment

It should be noted that immediately after the visit to Iran The visit of the Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates is being viewed as extremely important.

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